Production Information
Bison Calendar
This article outlines some of the basic management procedures followed by bison producers throughout a calendar year. It serves as a summary of bison management for the newcomer to the business and as a reminder of the seasonal tasks for the farmer that ha…
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Some Things To Consider When Designing Your Vaccination Programs
This presentation is a summary of Dr Berezowski's IBC 2000 discussion that covered vaccine use in bison. The advantages and disadvantages of using vaccines in bison are discussed. Every producer must make a decision as to which vaccines are appropriate for…
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Vaccines are an important part of disease prevention. In order to work, vaccines must be administered properly and given at the right time. This article discusses some of the theory of administering vaccines at the right time to achieve their maximum benef…
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Vaccination Tips
To be effective, vaccines must be stored, handled and administered properly. If one of these steps are neglected the vaccine may not work. Here are a few tips on how to keep the vaccines as potent as possible.
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Injection Techniques
Correct administration of medications is important to get the maximum benefit of the product and to minimize the tissue trauma created by needles. This article discusses techniques used when administering medications using the subcutaneous and intramuscula…
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Weaning can be a stressful time for calves and this can make them more susceptible to diseases and slow down their growth. Minimizing stress can decrease the level of illness and encourage optimum growth in your calves.
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