Bison Meat Information

The Canadian Bison Grading System- How it Presently Works

A new system for grading bison meat was developed by the bison industry in the 1990’s. It has been a great help for the bison meat marketers as it allows them to ensure a quality product is sold to their customers. It is based on the beef grading sys…
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Bison: Meating the Beef Challenge

This information was originally presented at the International Bison Conference 2000 in Edmonton. The authors describe some of the post slaughter techniques available to make meat tender. They also provide us with some ideas on how to benefit from exper…
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Use of Marination by Injection to Improve the Palatability of Bison Top Round

In Canada, the demand for bison meat is increasing faster than its rate of production. With regard to bison meat, the main concern is inconsistency, in terms of both the quantity and quality available in the market. There is a general perception that bison…
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Nutrient Content of Bison Meat from Grass- and Grain-Finished Bulls

The nutrient content of grain and grass-finished bison are compared in this study. Macronutrient, mineral, and vitamin content of both types of bison meat are summarized. There are minimal differences in the nutrient content of grain and grass-finished bis…
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Elimination by Gamma Irradiation of Salmonella spp. and Strains of Staphylococcus aureus Inoculated in Bison, Ostrich, Alligator, and Caiman Meat

There is an expanding industry for the marketing of high- value meats from animals other than the typical domesticated species, including, but not limited to, bison, ostrich, alligator, and caiman.
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Bison Meat Quality Research: An Investigation of Spray Chilling, Very Fast Chilling, and the Relationship of Grade Factors to Meat Quality

This report is the culmination of a set of experiments conducted at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Lacombe Research Centre (LRC), funded through the Peace Country Bison Association, with animals supplied through cooperation with Alberta bison produ…
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Nutrient Composition of Fed Bison

This article summarizes research into the various nutritional components of bison. It compares the composition of different cuts of meat and then compares bison to other types of meat.
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